Hola, mi nombre es

Eduardo Aguilar Leal

I'm a college student currently studying Bachelor in Computer Science

About me

I’m currently studying Bachelor in Computer science and engineering at the Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Santa Catarina where I aspire to someday become a successful software engineer. Some of my hobbies are reading, photography, programming, videogames and role playing board games like Dungeons & Dragons.

I consider myself a determined and trustworthy person as well as a capable leader. In the past I’ve been able to lead some amazing teams to achieve ousting goals. Some of this are the first high-school level hackathon in Mexico, Hack Prepas, as well as the film festival Filmmaker.


Find Me Food  

Find me food preview - Web Service
- Personal Project
- Google Maps API & Places library
- Javascript, Jquery & snabbt.js

Location-based random restaurant recommender. It's purpose is to get rid of the “Where should we go out and eat“ query, useful when in debate.


Swordsmen preview - Video Game
- School TEAM Project
- Lead Programmer & Game Designer
- GameMaker & Photoshop

Videogame created as final assignment project for the class "Introduccion a la Carrera" at the Instituto de Tecnologia y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey as part of the Bachleror in Computer Science and Technology Program.

UPDATE 12/5/2016 This project has already been turned in, it won best project of the generation voted by the jury(Profesors) and also by the generation itself. Thankyou team.

Escape Key

Escape preview - VideoGame
- Personal Project
- Unreal Engine 4 & Autodesk Maya
- C++

Fast paced action typing game. Currently up in Steam Greenlight!. Please go and vote, help it get to Steam!


Escape preview - Web Service
- Hackathon TEAM project (HackMty 2016)
- Front end developer & designer
- Javascript & Google Maps API

Anonymous, location-based crime mapping. It's goal is to enable users to anonymously report crimes in a map enabling other user's safety.

Work Experience

Fotografer & Co-Founder

Rec Monterrey

Small fotografy and video buissnes.
Rec Monterrey logo recmonterrey.com

Code of Ethics

- Always conscious of my actions and accept consequences.
- I must promote my professional enrichment and the constant search for knowledge.
- The integrity of the people affected by my work as well as mine should always be considered.
- Reference and honor to work that is not mine as well as influences that inspired my work.
- Honesty and Pride.



Bachelor in Computer Science and Software Engineering

Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
(2016 - 2020)

Programming Skills

I'm currently a student so right now I'm trying to learn to some extend a lot of varying types of technologies and systems.

Confidence with Progamming languages






Other Programming tools/frameworks


React Native




Spanish - native speaker





Autodesk Maya

Unreal Engine 4

Game Maker
